Latest Demo Reel

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Getting ahead of myself.

Got completely distracted making this.  Something that when I finish tweaking will be my title card for my new Demo Reel.  But I'll have to set it aside for now, as it's probably more important to have the new models and animations finished to put in the reel.

EDIT:  Apparently my phone number is wrong in this image ... oops.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

My new character, Kria

My Kria model is just about complete.  Just shaders on for now, will be rigging her into a nice pose soon, I hope.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My robot has textures!

Finally getting somewhere with my robot's textures.  I have a feeling I have a long way to go.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I did a bit more work on my goblin.  Not sure if it's wise to keep working on him, I have animations to finish, an environment to model, a vehicle to fix, a robot to texture, and my other character to model and rig.  Not to mention a high res Zbrush sculpt, two more characters I want to model, one with a squash and stretch rig.  And in a month and a half I have to render off my new demo reel.  I'm sure I'm forgetting something I have to do by then, but I'm sure I'll be reminded.  The link to this competition is here.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This semester I have to model a new character.  I'm really just combining my shaman and my space hooker for this character.  But I have another character in mind I might get modeled by graduation.  This is just the beginning, some base meshes after a bit of sculpting and a solid piece of hair that is more complicated than it needs to be to no benefit.  Simplification will occur in the future, I'm sure.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Goblin Sculpt

Finally getting started on the sculpt for the competition ... I could be killing two birds with one stone and do a character for school, but I feel like challenging myself.  I already modeled a new robot, just need to texture it and add an IK/FK switch so I'm not stuck with the FK arms I have now (weight lift!)  And I'm doing my flying eyeball creature thing as a high res sculpt in Zbrush, that could be considered a character.  I'm also thinking of attempting a squash & stretch rig on the little clay doll type character that I had as part of my Shaman's design, but that might have to wait for a while.  Rambled way off topic.